Monday, September 15, 2008

How I Made My Own Liquid Hand Soap

First of all, I found the recipe at TipNut. I highly recommend subscribing to their email list for all sorts of goodies in your inbox.

Here's an idea of what it looks like when finished. Notice I used an old soap bottle:


I used Ivory soap as the base, but I'm hoping to experiment with more natural soaps and cleansers in the future. Ivory also has a scent that can be quite strong for me. I always sneeze when I grate the soap bars.

I added some lavender oil for an extra pretty smell, but, like I said, the Ivory scent is pretty overpowering. Even so, I'm still very please with the final result. This will save us quite a bit of money, with all the hand washing that goes on here.

One of the tips below the recipe suggested using green tea instead of water to make green tea soap. I may try that next time. I think I might add a few drops of tea tree oil as well.


babyhellfire said...

Ooo I may have to try that-We don't used bottled hand soap(we use our dishsoap or bar soap for that) MIGHT help Rory better wash her hands.
We love this soap - we use it for saop and laundry .its fairly chap at our local publix-but it was damn hard to find,can't find it at any other store

Smurfy said...

Oooh, I might try that. I have some liquid castile soap that I was considering using. I'll have to look into that bar soap. Thanks!

North Carolina Mom said...

I am dying to make the bars of soap, cold water process I think. One of these days!