Friday, July 18, 2008

DSL is so awesome.

I'm back in the game. I love having reliable internet.

Dax is up to almost 14lbs now - WOOT! He can actually wear some 18 month onesies. I don't know if it's his size or the fact that clothing sizes are so off sometimes. He's spitting up slightly less now too, but his nose is starting to get stuffy. Mine is too, so I think we might have the same allergy. The air here is horrid right now. I can't breathe through my nose. Grr.

Here's some pictures of the dudes.

Dax, about a week or so ago







tata said...

OMGoooooooooooodness! He's *so* big already! And I just cannot get over how much he looks like his brother!!! Good to see you again, I've totally missed you. Now get on over to plurk and talk to me!!!

babyhellfire said...

YAY!! Your back with pics!! GORGEOUS boys!!!

Smurfy said...

Thank you! Ima go check out plurk now. :D

North Carolina Mom said...

I can't see your pictures right now, photobucket and my computer don't get along, but I wanted to say I am glad you have reliable internet again!!


North Carolina Mom said...

Today I can see the pictures! Wow! He looks just like daddy!

Smurfy said...

He does, doesn't he? ;)