Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Events as of late

So, I don't have a connection at home right now. I'm at a coffee shop. I might not blog much until we get a connection at home.

I finally figured out how Dax likes being held in the sling. I think we've got it.



So far, so good with the babywearing. :D

I swear, though, that this child spits up more than he eats. He's gaining well, though, and he doesn't appear to be in constant pain. I'm just sick of both of us stinking all the time and constantly changing our clothes. I'm going to invest in a vinyl, wipe-able wardrobe.


sandra said...

Awww he looks sooo cute in that. You look GREAT as well... How about teflon clothing? wouldn't that be great? Never having to do laundry ever again,, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

sandra said...

Awww he looks sooo cute in that. You look GREAT as well... How about teflon clothing? wouldn't that be great?

Smurfy said...

Thanks :) Whoever invents Teflon clothing will be my hero forever.

North Carolina Mom said...

No connection? With a new baby and people who want to see him grow? Tsk! Just kidding :) I can't wait until you have a regular connection and I can see more pics of those adorable boys of yours!
