Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm still hungry.

I didn't know what to title this, so I put what I was thinking at the time. Oh yeah, baby.

So, I'm starting to think that I might need to come up with a schedule for myself so I don't spend too much time online. I don't really spend all that much time here, but it seems like I don't get as much done around the house lately - since I got the DSL thereof.

I was thinking perhaps an every other day thing, or I could coordinate my non-internet days with Tim's days off, so we could spend more time together, of course. I'm mulling it over. Give me your musings on that. I needz feedback.

On a cosmetic note, I trimmed the hair of a certain 2-year-old boy this evening. I haz photoz.

I had trouble finding a good before, but these give you an idea:



And here's the newly trimmed hair. It's a little damp from his bath. He styled it himself.




tata said...

I think you need to spend *more* time online, not less! Thatta way, we can "hang out."

I can.NOT get over that boy's hair. It's thicker and healthier than mine. NO FAIR!

babyhellfire said...

Gosh that hair-I would never be able to trim it he is gorgeous.
I no whatcha mean about the net.BTDT