Sunday, June 29, 2008

If this kid doesn't start using the potty soon, I WILL die.

I know that I have to wait for his readiness cues and not force him, yadda yadda - but I'm getting sick of him taking off his pants and diaper and leaving his bodily waste all over the house. I don't have a problem waiting until he's ready. I do have a problem with this new hobby of his. It's hard enough taking care of a 6 week old that wants nothing more than to use me as a milking cow all day. Add in a two year old that will barely even sit on the potty chair for more than a millisecond, then proceed to poop on the floor and step in it.

I think I've tried just about every possible wardrobe alteration to keep him from getting to his diaper. He's busted out of

I want to be patient and wait until he's more ready to actually use the potty. I realize that this can be a long process, but dangit - I'm going to lose my freakin' mind if this is what I have to put up with until he figures it out.

/end rant.


tata said...

Man, I feel you. Buddha has already figured out how to strip out of his diaper! Lucky for me, though, he's still young enough that I can just put him in a onesie and that takes care of it! He presents so many different challenges from Joy... ah, the joys of motherhood!

Smurfy said...

We used to be able to keep his diaper contained by a onesie with pants under it and a pair of toddler underpants over it. Now, he's figured it out. Blah.

babyhellfire said...

I couldn't do it.

I am Sorry,
I just do NOT buy into the whole WAITING and not introing them to the potty " until they are ready" .
For one if he is messing with his poo it is time.
for two-
I sorta vaguely practiced the whole "diaper free" method(tho -rory wore diapers) .. and very gently introed her to the potty well before she was even a yr old.

I was very sweet about it.. and it was just sort of a comfy thing
-never expecting anything at 1st- and just sat her on the potty 1st thing in the morn, while running her baths, and whenever I was on the potty-and otherwise anytime I knew she was about to go ,or needed to go- sometimes even putting her on the potty WHILE she was pooping.
- and yet WAY enthusiastic if anything ever did come of it..
i read to her on the ptty played games , sang.
I figured it couldn't hurt anything if it was a very comfy,calm not pushy situation,and it MIGHT be ONE less diaper.

Rory was poo trained well before she was even two ,and mostly pee trained at 2 as well(at home was one thing, going out was another for quite awhile)
-course they always say girls are way easier than boys to train.

Smurfy said...

That's kind of what we're trying to do, BHF. I'll let him run around with just pants on, and no diaper underneath, and I'll keep the potty nearby.

Until recently, I was completely on board with the whole waiting game. Not anymore. I'm frickin' sick and tired of it. My patience only goes so far.