Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've made a decision.

I'm getting a Paraguard IUC (intrauterine contraceptive). I know for a fact that I don't want or need another baby for a good 3 years at least, so I wanted something long term, but not permanent. I also didn't want a hormonal form of birth control because my milk supply is very sensitive to hormones - even a progesterone only mini-pill. I hate having to remember to take a pill, too.

So, come July, it's bye-bye barrier methods. ::grin::


tata said...

I had an IUD for a bit. It worked well. I prefer the tubal, though, since I *never* want more!

North Carolina Mom said...

My hubby was supposed to get the old snip-a-roo, but he hasn't yet! Barrier method here, but we don't like it. I am starting to get baby cravings even though we're supposedly done, so now I told my hubby I want one of those suckers to break! Lol!

Hope your IUD treats you well :)