Monday, June 23, 2008


Yesterday, I found a very thick, coarse, white hair (that I assume came from my head) while I was in the shower. I know it's not uncommon for 25 year olds to have a few grays, but this is the first that I've found on my head. What kills me is how thick and curly it was. Why can't the rest of my hair be like that? I don't care if it's white. I want thick hair, dangit. White hair would be pretty rock awesome, too.


tata said...

I swing from one extreme to the other: I look forward to a head full of gray hair but I cringe when Joy or Husband points them out.

Smurfy said...

I'm still having a hard time believing it was my hair, but I don't know anyone else with hair that long who's been in my shower.